Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Welcome To The Frustratiosphere.

This is not my first blog, but I am hoping that it will be my first regular blog. I tried to use Blogger in the past, but it was in the beta stage, and it WOULD NOT LET ME INTO MY OWN DAMN BLOG.


I am doing this, in part, from inspiration from someone that has a fitness blog. He suggested that several of us start some sort of blogging community. If that is code for talking crap, count me in.

What I would hope from my blogs is a very long list of very full comments pages. I was once told that everybody, no matter how you feel about them, has something to teach you. Readers contributions would add scope and dimension to my... uh, already scopey and dimensiony blog?

So, during the week, I go to 24 Hr. Fitness. On Saturdays, I attend Fitcamp hosted by trainers from www.outdoorfitnesscamps.com/ . They have been trained by Torquemada in torture techniques, and by the Kama Sutra in stretching techniques. And still, I will return next Saturday. What happens on those Saturdays will probably be the meat of my writings, because during the week, I do what I am good at, and what I am bad at makes up FitCamp. (There are several words and phrases that end in the word "camp," and they are good about half the time. They must occur in somebody else's half.)

I think I am writing this, because if you are not a runner, then you cannot understand running from the perspective of someone that is out of shape. If I write this correctly, that will create interest.

Wish me luck. Not my luck, but somebody with a normal person's odds.

Allegedly yours,
Very Anonymous Mike


At 9:25 PM, Blogger Very Anonymous Mike said...



VERY... uh, not so anonymous Mike.


At 9:44 PM, Blogger Michael K. Willis said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere! This sounds like a grand idea and I look forward to future installments.

At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck!

And remember, buying the large tub of cookie dough DOES count as weightlifting.

Best wishes,
Lou C. Ferr.

At 12:10 AM, Blogger Very Anonymous Mike said...

Mr. Ferr,

I love you, maaaannnn....

At 12:02 PM, Blogger stephenhow said...

Finally, I have someone to link to. If you end up with more readers or comments than my blog, I will go back to eating buckets of chicken. Yes, that is irony speaking.


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