Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

What I Will Not Write About (For The Most Part)

Days into this, and Blogger has already given me computer toys to collect my computer’s pictures, (adjust and alter them as well), send pictures to my blog, and blog from Microsoft Word. I really did not need another distraction from my life.

So, onto another distraction in my life.

One thing I do not think I am going to do is talk about the good foods I eat in my life. Despite movie stereotypes, overweight people are not always shoving food into their face, and it is not always the worst food we can find. For the most part, we eat pretty sensible. It takes very little to keep the weight on, so we do. Mostly, through sedentary lifestyles, as well as taking in more calories than we use, we have lowered our metabolisms to the point where we store fat instead of burning it. In fact, our bodies will protect its fat stores by telling us that we are hungry even though we are not. Most people quit their diets after two weeks, because that is when our brains panic, and start sabotaging our diets.

Besides, fat is flavor.

If you are eating something that is fat free but tastes really good, you have probably been tricked with carbohydrates and sugars. Which make you crave… more carbohydrates and sugar? (This is why I quit eating cereal in the morning. I found myself wanting lunch about two hours later.) Proteins satisfy hunger. I am not saying that you should not have a balanced diet, but breads and starches are too available to us. Sugar is too available to us. Fat is too available to us. More on this later.

What I really want to say is that I do not think anybody wants to read what I eat everyday. I can just follow the wrappers from the kitchen to the front of my television an computer for that. What I do want to write about is the crap I eat, and why I eat it, because I would sure like to know. Also, once I post it, it is like a confession. It makes it real.


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