Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Quite A Long Time

It doesn't matter. You haven't missed much. Eat better, drink less. Dropped about 10 of the 20 lbs. that I gained. Now, it's a fight all over again. I'm telling you this much, having an mp3 player is a big help. You're so distracted either being your own DJ or exercising "one more song" that you don't spend your entire time thinking about how miserable you are.

Plus, I've gotten to a point where I can do dips without the cheat machine. This is making my upper arms look real nice, along with the curls and other torture techniques I've picked up from the Marquis de Ran.

Otherwise, my new goal is do something everyday, if only to hike the monster hill outside my house so steep, that looking up it gives me vertigo. (Note to self: do not leave the house without I.D. and a cell phone. Also, only exercise in the dark.)


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