Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Instead Of Weeks, How About Days

With 10 ½ weeks left in the competition, I saw my goal weight. Now, it was an early morning weight-in, so I do not count it as final, but if history means anything, any number I have seen during this diet, I have achieve in a few days. At this rate, I am going to lose my weight, and the other two guys that have mysteriously vanished, their weight, too.

I’m telling you, it’s all about the snacks. Healthy snacks. I figured that a bag of chips or donut is about a buck, and so is a health food bar if you buy them by the box. There are times that by dinnertime, I am only in the mood for another snack. I may have technically eaten more on this diet than when I was not dieting. Also, just knowing you can have snacks lets you order a lighter meal than you otherwise would, because the fear of getting caught in the middle of your day hungry goes away.

Still not exercising regularly.

The other day, I heard Janet Jackson say in an interview about her shape, “If you’re doing good on your diet, then you only have to worry about the exercise a little bit.”

She’s right.


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