Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Intro To My Links

One of the reasons that I do not write a calories counting blog is that it is already being done, and better than I would have done it. As you can see on my friend’s blog (linked to the left) he talks about his weight, his intake, his pitfalls and his recoveries. He also includes useful and interesting links to the topics he references (Biggest Loser, Fast Food Nation, a pro-fast food test being done, health food stores, ect) He also talks about distractions that keep himself, and the general public in chairs and off of their feet. The interesting thing about Stephen is that he needs MUCH more food than normal people, due to his incredibly high metabolism. For example: he eats right before AND right after FitCamp. I have some coffee beforehand, and that’s it. Can you imagine dieting from Stephen’s point of view? It isn’t like he can look at the next person, and judge based upon what they eat. He has to come up with his own scale, and it has to satisfy both a furnace of a metabolism, but at the same time, not lose track and go overboard. Anyway, make sure you check out Stephen’s case of More v. Less. (Could one of you point out that going to anyplace with the word “Gordo” (Spanish for “fat.”) in it will only bring you trouble?

My version of dieting is trying to trick my appetite. I have learned that a high-protein diet will do this. Fats make you crave more fat, sugars make you crave more sugar. (Which is why in “Super Size Me,” only his McDonald’s meal would pull him out of his lethargic state. He was literally becoming addicted to crap.) Lately, I’ve taken to setting out a bowl of raw spinach and munching them like chips.  A great source of iron, and you don’t get tired of chewing it like you would raw carrots or broccoli. My only problem is that if I get hungry, my blood-sugar drops, and all I want to do is fight. Huge mood swings are not good when you work with children. “YOU WANNA WHAT? WELL, YOU KNOW WHAT ‘I WANNA’? HUH? WELL, I WANNA….” *ahem*

Also, make sure you check out Bread and Roses. This another one of my friend’s blogs that he uses to keep his writing chops up. I believe that he is currently shopping around four books. The blog is where he goes to write short pieces of fiction or social commentary. He has been blogging for a few years now, so if you find that you like his stuff, he could keep you busy for probably a month. At this point, he has regulars that will drop him a line if he has gone too long without and update. He has been a close friend of mine since I was sixteen years old, so he has seen all of my changes and development. (Note to self: not ALL of the witness’ were handled. On the way home, pick up eggs, dispose of witness’.)

He also has a blog about music. Let me tell you, I know music, and this man laid my foundation (which sounds painful, but really is just a metaphor). When I first met him, he owned 2000 albums. Now, he owns so many CDs, it is easier to count them as two walls of CDs as opposed to getting an actual number. I remember when I first started really getting into music. When I heard a song on the radio, I would practice singing the chorus, and then perform it for him. He would then tell me the name of the song and the group. I know not every song made from car to visit in my memory intact, so he really showed his chops on some of those.

That’s about is. Just something to pique your interest in my friend’s blogs.




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