Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Scale Is An Asshole

Or, how about "Hey, scale! You suck!"? Or, "ARRGH!"

It seems that the day after I hit my low, like last time, the number jumped up about nine pounds. After this happened last time, I was less angry than I was before. That urge to throw furniture had gone, and only left me with your average rage and frustration.

Determined to beat this quickly, for the past two days, I've done a three mile hike. Today, the number is back down to 2 lbs. over my goal. I think to be at my goal, I'm going to have to reach a point of seven pounds under it.

What I want to do the next time my weight does a spike like that is to get some air, and land on that smartass scale's glass top with both feet. Sucker can go from a scale measuring pounds to a rector scale.

One thing I am noticing is that at my new weight(s), that things that were a "workout" before aren't so much anymore. I might have to add to my workouts.

This whole exercise thing is getting out of hand. I am going to have to put a stop to it before it is too late.


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