Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

I Cannot Give Kaiser Permamente A Big Enough Middle Finger

So, walking twice a day didn't lose me one gaddam pound. Two weeks,... okay, one gaddam pounds, but that isn't enough. I was told that stress will do that to you, make you retain your weight. Stress also made all the gaddam symptoms the doctor was asking me about appear.

So, I go to the specialist. I explain the work situation, and she seems to understand saying, "We need to expedite this." She tells me that my heart rate isn't high enough. (????) Then, she mentions that she could put me on a treadmill for 20 min. but instead puts me on a heart monitor for 24 hrs. straight. (I had better not find out that we could have gotten in 20 min. what she made me take 24 hrs. to get. Then again, nevermind, as you'll see.)

So, I leave her office, and go to an intermediary office. They send me back to the front office. The front office says, "We cannot hook it up today, because there would be nobody here tomorrow to read it." (Can't I just turn it in? I have to go out of town Saturday.) That's the problem. The doctor gets it, but then you're at the mercy of secretaries. I think, overall, they do not consider the differences between choices. It's all the same to them. Come back extra times, jump through extra hoops. At this point, I'm leaving them.

So, I turn in my monitor, and despite the fact that my doctor says, "If you do not get a reading w/in 24 hours, call me," it does no good. I call, and they say, "We've read it, but we have not put it into the computer yet." So, hollow placation from Dr. Dingbat.

When they put the heart monitor on me, they said, "Okay, your heart rate isn't raising." Then, she mentions, "pacemaker." Screw that. I'm out of there. Now, I have these pills. They're supposed to regulate my heart rate and train it to beat evenly. In our last call, the doctor was going to extend our relationship another week, and I had to, once again, hold her hand, and redirect the conversation to my work card.

I'm back at work now. Going to go back and get more bloodwork done. Then, I'm going to have those results transferred to my new doctor.

Kaiser Permamente, where YOU are your own doctor.

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