Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

40 Lbs. To Freedom

It has been a while since I have posted. At the point that I am at, I think it is just redundant to post about every little pound. I was down 47 pounds before this 4th of July weekend, so right now, I'm about 43 down. No biggie. I find that pounds gained on cheat weekends are probationary, the same way freshly lost pounds are.

I am so far down, that the clothing I mentioned earlier that I bought for the smaller me is now falling off. People that have not seen me for a while credit my goatee for looking so good, saying, "You didn't have that before, right"? (I did. It just covered another chin.) Also, I say that pounds are probationary, but let me tell you, I was STUCK-STUCK-STUCK at the 40 lb. mark. The problem was that I needed to go two weeks without breaking the diet, and each weekend was a bar night or a meal night. Now, I never pigged out, but I had to go almost pure. I had to explain about 100 times why I could accept whatever, but Saturday night, one light beer. Sunday night, a half a beer. Monday morning, 40 lb. barrier broken.

Now that I am almost a half a century lighter, I find that fitness is easier to start. Last week, because I was finishing my first half of my split shift so early, that I could attend a different class everyday at 8:30 am. Some I'm better at, some worse, but just to keep it switched up, and keep me sweating. Plus, it's something to focus on, besides being the only guy in the class.

The other night, I started my 4th weekend a little early. The happy hour on Thursday was a mile and a half away, so I walked it. Now, that mile and a half is all downhill there, and all uphill back.

I not as thin as I deserve to be.


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