Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

05' Gets Its Last Shot In

Considering how my year has gone, I did not think it would be too much to ask to have the last week of it be a smooth one. This is why I sustained the injury that I did.

I strained/overstretched/tore the tendon and/or muscle that goes from my heel to the bottom joint of my big toe. How does one do this? Push-ups. Barefoot push-ups. Psycho, twenty-minute pilates push-up exercises. That and having a weightlifter's flexibility (oxymoron), weighing 300+ lbs. and putting that pressure on the toes only, and, let's not forget, me being me. The doctor said that the injury is the same as if someone bent your fingers too far back.

It is whenever you injure a part of your body that you realize how important that body part is. In this case, this tendon and muscle are responsible for keeping your balance, and the stride in your walk. That seems to translate to not being able to put any weight over the top of my left foot whatsoever without having a stick to bite down into. This also means that to avoid hot knives in my foot, I have had to turn my foot sideways, and walk pirate-style. Even these walks left me with throbbing pain. Also, lifting up or pressing down with my big toe recreated the pain that walking gave me.

I have learned that taking a Ziploc half full of water and draping it over a roll of Jimmy Sage sausage almost shapes the an ice pack like the side of my foot.

At least I've got that for me. Happy Frickin' New Year


At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that's a weak excuse to spend the next week in front of your new X-Box!!!


At 7:14 PM, Blogger Very Anonymous Mike said...


It ain't new!

At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude that's messed up about your foot, but hey, pirates are in style now.


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