Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It's Been One Week

Ok, I did not make it from Saturday to Saturday. Despite having the week off from work, between four FitCamps and Liberty Tax class, I had put off everything I needed to do during the week until Saturday. Had to work at the theatre Saturday night for six hours, had to smoke a turkey (and find a pipe big enough to do it) during the day, and was expecting to go to FitCamp that morning. The problem is that FitCamp wrecks me until around 2 PM, when my "recovery" (see: nap) is finished.

I'm glad I put it off soley for surviving the day. There are muscles on the outside of your shins, below the calves and above the ankles. All of the ones on my left side were burning like hell. Various muscles around my ribcage were tightened to the point where they would not let me get things off of the top shelf, and my glutes were making it so that I was more comfortable walking like goatboy. That day, I had to help my friend make an emergency evacuation of his fridge while he smoked my turkey. (Hey... puff-puff-pass, ass!) He had a freezer bottom, (protected by Igloo Jeans) so I had to do some work from the floor. This mostly entailed me seeing something on the floor, taking a deep breath, and dropping to it, shooting back into the standing postion before my body discovered my betrayl, and left me lying there like a Nyquil victim. At the theatre, between ticket sales and running the lights, there was more than enough standing.

Overall,I spent a good week running on protein bars and naps. More and more, I am leading the occasional exercise. (Hint: GIVE ME A MEDICINE BALL RELAY! Ogre like throw-run. Ok, Ogre think throw-run suck less than run-puke-run.) Technically, I made it one week. Originally, I had planned on doing two night FitCamps, too. I would have gone on drugs, but would have been too tired to inject them or even get the needle into a vein had I tried that. Friday's camp is a blur. What was that girl doing on my chin? That bastard Randy doubled the amount of stairs we did. (That is, three stairs, three stair-pushups followed by three stairs, three-stair tricep pushes.) Let me tell you, I had to catch my breath just to go downstairs. I'm panting typing about it.


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