Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Last week and into this one, I have been tired, day and night. I'm not dying or anything close to that. I just always want to lie down in the sand and stare into space... until a waitress comes. My trainer said that I have overexerted myself. There is only solution to overexerting. Rest and sleep.

Arrgh! I wasn't ready for this. I finally got my discipline down, extending my usual three weeks up/one week down formula. Also, I'm used to having kid's colds and life-crap get in my way. I feel like I am wasting time taking a time out. I wanted to see more rewards (besides flying medicine balls) when I got to the "take-a-break" point.

In general, I am lousy at "planning downtime." I am not patient. I do not like waiting. I wanted to break down when I had room for it in my schedule. This also explains why I will never be a jogger. Jogging is just prolonged torture. You just run until you slowly feel too miserable to go on. I need activities, and ones that are constantly changing. I need to trick myself into running.

The muscles are doing better, the endurance is doing better, the speed is doing better. The weight has not, and the weight has not. (Despite how much I know health is many things, when I am alone in my thoughts, it will always be that number that matters to me.) Last week, despite getting started late on a running/medicine ball exercise, I tied for first. (I refused to yak on the finish line.)

I have two weeks off in December. I wanted to hit as many FitCamps as I could during those two weeks.

Maybe I did break down in time.


At 10:45 AM, Blogger def said...

Of course your weight hasn't improved, you're building muscle.
This will, for a time, offset weight loss from burning fat.

Getting into a 12-step program for your gravy "habit" might speed things along...

And no, monkey, I don't mean the 12 steps from the chair to the refrigerator.

Seriously though. Tied for first? Sounds like a hell of a lot of improvement to me.


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