Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Today I made it past

Today I made it past the half way point for my five FitCamps. Before I started this torture pilgrimage, I had imagined that by now, I would be too busy healing from past FitCamps to endure the current one. It seems that with a day to heal in between, that this is not the case. I’m somewhat sore, but FitCamp changes up enough so they do not beat up any one muscle group (more than the others).

I am also less stressed on days that I go. For one reason, the workouts are intense enough where I have to concentrate on them enough so that I cannot concentrate on my own crap. Also, it works out the tightness, which also leads to stress.

Once again, there were only two of us there, so I did not have others to hide behind. When he got that look because I was walking instead of running, I told him, “You have fewer people to spread your disappointment to.” What I am keeping track of is that I am quitting my running later in the workout. (45 min. into it as opposed to 10 min. into it)

I have Friday and Saturday to still get through. No one-day break in between. We’ll see how I do then. I’m sure I am going to be impossible to deal with then.


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