Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Three Beer Lunches

I forgot about that part of the previous blog. You see, I hit 50 lbs. quickly, and sat there, stuck for a month. What was worse, I was going to the gym up to six times a week, and my damn weight wasn't budging. So, I met a friend downtown for three days, and each day, we went and had beer lunches. Those beers were 20 oz., so they were jumbo pints. These, on top of heavy lunches, should have ruined my good work.

Turns out, my good work was ruining my good work.

Within three days of gaining two pounds, my wrecking ball theory worked again. I reached my goal... the damn day I was going to Vegas.


50 Spent

This is the nickname my friend gave me when I told her that I reached my goal.
I think that I am going to linger at this weight for a while.

GOOOOAAAAALLLLLLLL..... (or, Three Beer Lunches)

I'm a little overdue for this blog, especially since I have reached my year-end goal of 52 pounds, and five months early. As my world works, I achieved my goal THE GADDAM DAY I WAS LEAVING FOR FIVE DAYS IN VEGAS!

Christ, how fair is that? Anyway, still counts. Turns out, I was not that hungry while in Vegas. I think I had two meals at most, and the rest of the time, packed diet snacks. Also, I have become such a lightweight, that the two CostCo bottles of liquor are hardly touched. The gin is 1/3 of the way down while the vodka might be 1/4. I might have gained two pounds while there. (When I told my friend that I reached my goal, he talked about gaining two pounds. There has not been one day of this diet where I was one weight the entire day. The weights I report are the lowest points of my day, and trust me, as often as I step upon that scale, I have researched it. Heck, my range for most days is seven pounds. I do not think you could tell if you have actually gained weight, or if it is just the day's fluctuation.)

Back to those jumbo liquor bottles. I have found out that their weight and their hand holds are perfect for hand weights in working out your shoulders. Yes, I squat and military these things over and over again. they fit so well over my four fingers, that I do not even need to make a fist. The bottle just hangs over the back of my hand. (My latest series of aerobics weights class have let me know that my shoulders have not come along with the rest of my body. Cosmetically, I think shoulders would be a good thing. Plus, you really want balance. You do not want your body working at one level, and one day, you find some odd chore that makes you cry.)

Unfortunately, the reward for doing a good workout would make less of a workout the next time.

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