Weightlifting, Weightdropping

Random fitness thoughts from the unfit.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tune Up

At the beginning of last week, I called my friend and said, "I don't know why I haven't lost any weight in three weeks. I'm still eating healthy."
"Tell me what you are eating and how much," she said.

So I did, and when I got to my granola/chocolate whey protein combo, she said, "How much granola are you eating? There's a lot of fat in granola. Are you eating one half cup"?
"Yes," I said, so obviously lying that I meant to get caught.

She asked me about wheat wraps, and I told her that the wheat bread has the exact same amount of fat as the wraps do, but then she says, "Yea, but what about the carbs?" Crap! I forgot about those.

So, after that phone call ended, I got a one-half measuring cup, scooped out some granola, and starred at it. I was picturing how much I actually have, and whispered "Oh... shit..."

It's not like I have an enormous bowl of the stuff, but do you have any idea how little 1/2 cup is? So, I stop eating that, I put the cheese back into the freezer, as well as the wheat bread.

Last week, I lost about six pounds. It seems that while you can eat some stuff to maintain your weight, you cannot eat that food to lose weight. I owe a big thanks to my friend, Anitra for opening my eyes to a needed tune-up to my diet. What worked in January now needed to be updated for my new weight.

I do not know what weight would be good to go clothes shopping, but I promised that I would take Anitra with me. That's fine. Whenever I get compliments on my clothing, it's something that a woman picked out.

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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Reverse Gut'ology

Okay, just like in Black Jack, if your system isn't working, change it up.

Did you know that M&M's makes a new wild cherry flavor? Man, they're good. I can't eat them like I want to (pouring out of a dump truck), so I have been giving bags away as gifts (to a dump truck operator).

The Wal-mart in New Orleans sells this awesome coffee named after the 24 hour cafe that serves it, Cafe Du Monde. It is THERE and I want it HERE.


Now, why don't I just order it from the company itself? Well, because Wal-mart sells it for almost half off, and from what their website says "site-to-store" shipping is free. You have something at one store, and someone wants it at another store. Is this new age thinking? So far, Wal-mart online says that they do not "do food." Oh frickin' kay, then why do I see seven different gift baskets ALL WITH COFFEE available for purchase online?

My next move is to try at my local store and see if they know the magic words to get something from THERE!... over to... HERE! So far, customer service has told me to see the food manager, "but he won't be here until tomorrow," and that day, "Oh, he won't be in til' Friday."

It's not going to work. I'm going to end up paying almost double, plus shipping. I had a friend that said he knew someone out there that could just go get it, but suddenly, that conversation "has never existed." (That is for another blog.)


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Aww, c'mon.

One pound? ONE FRICKIN' POUND? Crikey, this is getting old. To hell with it. I'm eating this weekend. As much as I'm not eating, not drinking, and not 4th mealin', that damn scale owes me! You know what that one pound was? A bone! A one-pound bone. I don't need a one pound bone. I need a ten-pound bone.
